Sunday, February 28, 2016

An apple a day keeps the doctor away?

By seeing the question mark after the proverb, don't come to the conclusion that the health benefits of apple are questioned. Most of the fruits and vegetables are naturally nutritious and healthy to eat. But it's us who have spoilt the goodness of such fruits by showering poisonous pesticides on them. Many banned pesticides are still being used in many parts of the world. Unfortunately people consume it and undergo health problems which are far more worse than the good these fruits offer.
  So what to do? It's simple. Wash the fruits and vegetables as thoroughly as possible before cooking or eating them. Sometimes, even thorough washing leaves small but poisonous quantities of pesticides, thanks to the absorbing capability of fruits and vegetables. So, the best way to get rid of pesticides is to peel the skin off the fruits and vegetables before eating them.
  Do you want to hear even a better way to enjoy healthy fruits and vegetables? Grow them on your own if you can afford a little space for them. Search in internet and you will find a lot of tips on kitchen gardening. Since you have to spend some time on physical work, your body gets exercised and you get two mangoes with one stone!

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